Tuesday, January 17, 2006

My Home Game Bad Beat

Ok, here’s the scene: we’re playing a friendly home game with a couple of friends and their friends who I’ve never met before while watching the Bear lose to Carolina. I look down at my hole cards and see Q 8 hearts. Now, up until this point I’ve been playing pretty tight and have only really used it to my advantage once or twice up until now to steal pots. Everyone folds around to me, I’m in small blind. I raise $1, which with this crowd (mostly my old college friends who are still in college, so they’re broke), is a pretty big raise. The big blind quickly calls. Flop comes Q 8 3 rainbow. Ok, I flop top two pair. I move all in (about $12). The big blind calls (he had about 9.50 left). We flip over our cards and he has J 6 offsuit... of course I’m thinking what an idiot this guy is at this point. He didn’t even have a pair, no possible flush draw…really nothing. Well, to make a long story short both the turn and the river reveal 6’s. I loose to a set of 6’s. I ended up going out about 5 hands later when my AK clubs don’t hit and I lost to the same person, only this time he beat me with a pair of pocket 8’s (which wasn’t bad).

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