Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fixing Rhapsody

I recently had an issue where I was no longer able to download tracks from rhapsody (after reinstalling rhapsody as I couldn't get an upgrade to work at all). Luckily, rhapsody has a really good tech support "live chat" line which was able to help my solve the problem. So I'm going to document the steps I took here (as I had to do this to both of my computers...and one just did a normal update).

DISCLAIMER: I believe you will lose the DRM for any tracks you have downloaded (I'm not sure if this only applies to be warned...but it doesn't bother me as I only use rhapsody). I highly recommend burning the tracks first (if at all possible).

  • First, verify you are set to download tracks first (duh...I of course did this before contacting support, but they mentioned it so I thought I would too as it must happen). Go to Tools -> Preferences --> My Library
  • If you still can't download, do the following
    1. Close Rhapsody
    2. Click on windows button and click Run
    3. type %windir%\system32\ and click ok
    4. Find the mcs.rma file and delete it
  • If you are still unable to download files, follow the steps outlined here --> Link. I had to do the one where you renamed the DRM folder (then magically I could download files again).

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